Now an obsolete product, but great sounding, great GUI and a lot of grooves (even got a jam along drum set).
However if you are on a PC and 32 bit, or MAC no higher than snow leopard (so it still has rosetta) the one I would recommend is Broomstic bass. This is the cheapest well sounding bass I have found. You need the UVI engine to run it but that too is free. I also like the sounds in the bases of Acoustic Samples, especially the fretless bass. Resonably priced and sales a couple of times a year. They have bass grooves that you can use out of the box or tweak. When it comes to bass guitars I think Ample sound has some of the best sounds and the best gui and best functionality if you are not a bass player and if you are not a wizard on the kleyboard. That too has some pretty nasty bass guitar sounds avialable and the Omnisphere world is much greater than Trillian - but that would be on more than bass though. I would suggest you rather buy the brother Omnisphere. Moving into spectrasonics world is something you will not regret, It is however very expencive and they never have sales. Trillian is very CPU heavy, think they must have sampled every millimeter of those basses. The chapmanstick is very good in trillian. Trillian is huge and contains more than just guitars. I have several soft basses, including Trillian, but the Ric from Native Instruments is my mostly used, due to sound and the “real life” functionality. The Ric bass from Native Instruments is very good (and free tutorial on MACProVideo), and it works in the free Kontakt player - if you want to get into the Kontakt world and, in my opinion, close enough, in most cases, to a real bass. To pick some without knowing your needs is difficult, but anyway:
Are you looking for a software close to playing a real bassguitar, where you can simulate for example string vibrato, pull offs and hammer ons and slides/glissando, or are you satisfied with a plectrum down stroke? Do you want to have different playing styles on key switching or velocity? Or use multipe instances for each style. It would depend on what kind of sounds you want, for what kind of music and what kind of functionality, and also what you already have.